Sunday, June 5, 2011

A Late Update for Weeks 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12

Sorry it's been a while since my last post. With my birthday and my mom and in-laws over and wrapping up work, and this past Friday, LASIK....let's just say it's been really busy. Let's keep it short this time around so I won't tax my lasered eyes.

The last call I had with my health coach was a bit harder than usual as it was my birthday, which meant I was out and with my Mom, so it was harder to focus! We talked about my insufficient hydration, then the juicy part was when we talked about me asking for money which was related to going out there and talking to people. I am terrified of doing that. Yes, I don't think I am not qualified enough yet, which is why on top of IIN, I am doing other programs and looking into some products. And she said by doing that, I am capable, and *I AM WORTHY AND VALUABLE.* But she also said I have to realize this, because if not, I will attract people who won't think I'm worthy and that they're not worthy, either. My assignment is to ask for things, which I hate to do! As I was mulling over this, I saw this blog post from my friend Cora Poage and thought it fit perfectly. Now to do it!

Week 13 rolls in tomorrow. With work done, I will have more time, yes, but to plan for wedding #3 (to the same man, promise!), for IIN and for other programs, etc. Woohoo, we can do this! I am grateful for this extra time: now to make use of it wisely. Oh, and I am grateful for my laptop being fixed this weekend, among other things. Woohoo! Now for more efficient work! Yes, it is ok to ask for things. I am worthy. I am important. I am valuable.

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